Write emails
That get attention
That get answers
With less threads
That save time

Extension for Gmail

Reply fast and write clear emails,
that focus on what matters

Free to use
Set up in seconds
No strings attached

> Respond fast in an template

> Highlight what requires attention

> Provide a hint of what's expected

Join free beta

How it works

The end of answers
written inside the original message

Select key phrases to be responded

Reply fast in the generated template

Highlight your important phrases

Send clear emails in a snap

Bond key phrases selectionBond response templateBond new highlightsBond clear easy-to-read and structured email

Reply better, faster

A ready-to-respond template
To be fast and clear

Make your expectations clear

Be understood, and get better answers

Highlight what matters

Nobody can miss your point(s)

Instant Benefits


Key info is noticed

Highlight key elements,
in your messages and reponses


Reply faster

Reply quickly in a template
rather than in the original message


Simplified reading

Write shorter, structured messages
Get more accurate replies


Fewer, shorter threads

Deliver clear and brief information
Reduce back-and-forth messages


Benefits for all

Recipients don't need to use Bond
Yet you both benefit from it


Plug & Play

Install Bond in a snap
Just Click and Write, that's it

They support us

Essec Venture icon
Fondation Centralesupelec icon
Station F icon
Pepite France icon
BPI France icon
La French Tech icon
Schoolab icon
France Digitale icon
Schneider Initiative Entrepreneurs icon
CY Entreprendre icon

Use cases

Bond helps people using email to assign tasks, to ask questions, to send agenda items, or who want important things to be noticed

Freelancers & Individuals

Structured messages make communication more efficient with customers, partners, suppliers and individuals

Send messages that get to the point(s)

Project members

Clear task assignment avoids confusion in expectations. This increases everyone's productivity

Make sure everyone knows what to do


Short messages and minimal threads are essential for fast-paced environments that need to act fast

Write quick, impactful messages that save time

Administration-intensive activities

Sending short, clear and precise emails reduces the number of back and forth messages and increases the quality of responses.

Receive less emails, Get better responses

Office & Government Collaborators

Formatting is essential for quick and easy understanding. Even more in large audience messages

Send eye-catching messages, actually read

No side-effect

Carla Carfagno profile

β€œI was so tired of writing in blue in the original emails I was replying to. Finally an easy solution to this !”

Christian Doumit profile

β€œMy favorite part is that I still use Gmail, no need to switch to a new tool.”

Mikael Carlavan profile

β€œBond simply requires writing as usual, highlighting what is important. It's easy to use.”

William Calvat profile

β€œI have dreamed of a simple response template for a while. So why not build it?”

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